
Post 1: A country you would like to visit

       The country I would like to visit is Egypt, because I have always been attracted by its culture, especially everything that has to do with its mythology. Actually, the reason why I would like to go to Egypt has more to do with its ancient culture than the current one, I consider that the Egyptian culture was one of the civilizations of great impact in the world.      What I know about Egypt is about its mythology and deities, how was the creation of Ra and from him, the birth of the other gods that gave rise to the explanations of the phenomena that occurred in the world. Also, I have a notion that the current culture of Egypt is quite different from the Chilean one, and I would like to learn more about it.      In Egypt I would like to visit the pyramids and ancient monuments they have, also visit the desert, and try the different customs they have.     I think I would like to just visit it, but I think I would like to work as well, even though it is a country with different cu

Post 5: Career Related Website

            My favorite site about psychology is "Psychology and Mind" which is a website with information for psychologists, students and curious people, where they have a lot of quite interesting, useful and practical data.           Within its sections and characteristics, you can find a directory of professional psychologists, for an eventual appointment, besides being able to register as a professional psychologist. It has articles about psychology, neurosciences, healthy living, couples, companies, interviews, psychologists' ranking. It also has a podcast section.           I use this website every time I am curious about some topic, or simply out of informative curiosity, and as I am a quite curious person, that means that I use it quite a few times, even in the same day. To be honest, I am not sure if it is an endorsed site, but it is still a useful site on topics that vary in depth.           I would recommend this site to any person who is curious and want

Post 4: A Photography you like

          We took this picture with my brother about 4 years ago, when we went one summer to Embalse el Yeso.            In it you can see the sea green water of the reservoir at the foot of the mountains that although you can't see it in the photo are of different colors.            This picture is very dear to me because it was the first time I was going to backpack with my brother. That summer we had an incredible time, even though the weather at the reservoir was quite difficult to bear, during the day it was very hot, but there was a wind that froze you, at night it was even worse, the cold pierced your bones, and the water was surprisingly cold. In spite of that we had a great time, the landscape was beautiful, even though it was a human construction, it had its own beauty, the colors that shone with the sun, the mountains, the night sky, everything was very beautiful. This photo was the first one I took when we arrived, that's why it's my favorite and I remember it w

Post 3: My Favorite Piece Of Technology

     My favorite technological device is my cell phone. It may seem a bit superficial but it is my life, it contains everything about me, it is a unique companion, for all kinds of situations. I can do everything with it, contact people I love, but who are far away, I can look for information, if I am sad I can look for something that makes me happy, besides it is very compact, I can always bring it with me. But what I like most about my cell phone is its camera, with it I can capture beautiful and unforgettable moments, I can see again those moments I treasure, with the people I love, in places I love, of things I love, and remember them again as if they were recent. I'm always with him, I don't know how many times I use it a day, but I'm pretty sure it's quite a few, it's the first thing I see when I wake up, and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I've had it for a little over two years, but I guess it's love at first sight hahaha. Life without my ce

Post 2: Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 In this post I will talk about why I chose my career.  I remember that when I was a kid I loved the idea of being a teacher especially in the natural sciences. Later during high school I still liked the idea of being a teacher, I loved biology. But then I expanded my social circle, I liked the idea of being a doctor. However, after much thought, and following events that changed my life, I decided to become a psychologist.  My experience in college has not been the best due to the pandemic, so I have not had the college experience. However, I am not discouraged, but rather excited about being able to go in and interact with my peers. Although it has been online so far, we have been able to get to know each other a little bit, and become friends. This only increases the desire to be able to enter in person.  The work in which I would like to work, is in children's clinic or educational, I think it is very necessary that young people, especially children, have a psychological accomp

Post 1: My Autobiography - Who am I?

Hello! my name is Mario Almarza, and I am from Copihual, in Chillán, in the region of Ñuble. During the primary school I studied at the Escuela del Porvenir de Cato. Then during secondary school I studied at the Liceo Marta Brunet Cáraves de Chillán. Currently I am studying psychology at the Universidad de Chile.  My parents are hard working people from the countryside, who have always done their best to give the best to my brother and me. My brother is a professor with a degree in mathematics. Among my hobbies is reading, preferably fantasy or science fiction. I also like music and writing very much.  Currently I live with my brother and a cousin, in Estación Central, where we enjoy ourselves very much despite the pandemic.