Post 2: Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 In this post I will talk about why I chose my career. 

I remember that when I was a kid I loved the idea of being a teacher especially in the natural sciences. Later during high school I still liked the idea of being a teacher, I loved biology. But then I expanded my social circle, I liked the idea of being a doctor. However, after much thought, and following events that changed my life, I decided to become a psychologist. 

My experience in college has not been the best due to the pandemic, so I have not had the college experience. However, I am not discouraged, but rather excited about being able to go in and interact with my peers. Although it has been online so far, we have been able to get to know each other a little bit, and become friends. This only increases the desire to be able to enter in person. 

The work in which I would like to work, is in children's clinic or educational, I think it is very necessary that young people, especially children, have a psychological accompaniment, and I would like to be someone who could be there and contribute a little. 


  1. It is admirable that you want to work with children :) and you look very friendly, i hope that we can meet one day.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. When I was a child I also liked natural sciences a lot, I hope you can dedicate yourself to the children's area of ​​psychological work, I can see that you like it and that you can do it very well

  4. When I was a child I wanted to be a teacher too!

  5. The pandemic has just been an awful and horrible experience, but it's really nice to know that you've been able to meet some people and became friends.


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