
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Post 1: A country you would like to visit

       The country I would like to visit is Egypt, because I have always been attracted by its culture, especially everything that has to do with its mythology. Actually, the reason why I would like to go to Egypt has more to do with its ancient culture than the current one, I consider that the Egyptian culture was one of the civilizations of great impact in the world.      What I know about Egypt is about its mythology and deities, how was the creation of Ra and from him, the birth of the other gods that gave rise to the explanations of the phenomena that occurred in the world. Also, I have a notion that the current culture of Egypt is quite different from the Chilean one, and I would like to learn more about it.      In Egypt I would like to visit the pyramids and ancient monuments they have, also visit the desert, and try the different customs they have.     I think I would like to just visit it, but I think I would like to work as well, even though it is a country with different cu